What If…

What if everything you said and did was monitored? How would you act within the walls of your home? What would you say? How would you say it? One characteristic I hold dear, and pray for within the hearts of my family is integrity.

I think so often we put on our best behavior as we lace up our shoes and head out the door. You’ll often hear of moms saying to their children, “Be on your best behavior when we get to…(fill in the blank).” And even us moms ourselves often exhibit much more grace and patience when we know others are watching. But what if that conscious effort we made to maintain patience, love, and godly character wasn’t at its peak when we left our home? What if we saw it just as valuable when no one would even know how we behaved? What if we loved our family with complete sincerity, even on those days where everything seemed to go wrong?

I imagine our homes would be all the more loving, and filled with an abundance of grace. I picture our loved ones exuding the deepest, most contagious joy as a result of a household filled with heartfelt honesty. I envision it as peaceful, because it’s learned to stand firm against anything that might try and cause strife. Oh to think of the type of beauty our homes would have if we strived for integrity in our households!

My prayer is that I would be a woman who walks with integrity. That my character would never be a matter of who is listening, or watching, but simply a sincere outpouring of a heart who has been transformed by her Savior.

So today as you continue to build your home, I encourage you to be diligent. This journey of motherhood seldom comes with instant gratification. It takes work, sacrifice, and a continued outpouring of love and grace. So keep running with purpose, no matter what the the day may throw at you. You have all you need to conquer even the most trying of days because of Jesus.

May your homes be happy today and always!
Xo, Tay

“The godly walk with integrity; blessed are their children who follow them.” Proverbs 20:7

“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love Him.” James 1:12

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