Product Spotlight: Nu Skin

Skincare is something I have recently become really interested in. One of my goals for this year is to take better care of myself, and specifically, my skin. I’m a bit embarrassed to say that I often neglected washing my face every night. I was lazy in this area and my skin paid the price. When Nu Skin reached out to me and asked if I’d like to try out their ageLOC LumiSpa, I was so excited!

In case you’re unfamiliar with this product, it’s a deep cleansing device that gently cleanses your face. It automatically stays on for two minutes as it thoroughly cleans, brightens, and firms your skin. It removes the dirt, toxins, oil, makeup, and pollutants. It works best if you use it twice a day – in the morning and in the evening. I can honestly see a huge difference in the way my skin looks since I started using it!

I have really sensitive skin, but I was pleasantly surprised by these products! The device has a soft silicone head which makes it gentle on your skin. When I used it, I noticed my skin was softer, brighter, and less dry. (And I have really dry skin!) They also offer facial products geared towards your specific skin type.

It is even waterproof which means you can use it in the shower! This was one of my favorite things about this product, because it saves so much time! And if you’re a momma, anything that helps to save time is a must have!

Nu Skin was so sweet and decided to offer my readers a $25 coupon code when you purchase a device! When using my code you will also receive 15% off any additional products. Simply click the link below and enter code TAYLOR at checkout! If you’re looking to upgrade your facial routine, I highly recommend this product. It’s been a game changer for me, and I know you’ll love it too!

Click HERE to start shopping!

Thank you so much Nu Skin for partnering with me!!

Xo, Tay

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