Kaid’s 2nd Birthday: Paw Patrol

We celebrated Kaid’s 2nd birthday over the weekend. It’s hard to believe my baby boy isn’t quite a “baby” anymore. He’s growing up so fast and I just can’t seem to keep up!

I wish I would have recorded his reaction when he saw his Paw Patrol party coming together. I’ve never heard him say “whoa!” so much before. And the way his sweet little face lit up as he gazed at every detail made all the hard work worth it!

Kaid is such a fun person. He’s goofy, cautious, loving, and feisty all at the same time. It’s quite the mix but it makes for lots of funny stories and memories. He’s my little buddy. And I don’t think I could love him any more than I do!

As I looked at these photos from yesterday, I was overjoyed. Every person who came has poured into Kaid’s life in one way, shape, or form. And that’s a gift that you can’t put a price on. I’m so grateful that God has blessed us with so many people who love our kids as their own, and are so good at loving on them every chance they get. Tanner and I often say that nothing blesses us more than when someone takes the time to really notice our children. To talk to them. To play with them. To tell them about Jesus. They remember those seemingly “ordinary” moments. These little cuties may be half our size but they aren’t half human! So it’s beautiful when you see adults who come down to their level and don’t overlook them.

We make bigger impacts on others lives than we think we do.

So to my Kaid Bear…
I love you. I’ve loved you since I first knew of your precious existence. It doesn’t matter if it’s been a great day, or a more difficult one…I’d never trade a moment spent with you. You’re my sweetheart, and my little love. You make me laugh, and you remind me to loosen up and be silly. (Your dad and I always laugh at your happy dance! Daddy calls it your tribal dance. Haha!) You’re every bit a blessing to me, and I’m so grateful that God entrusted you to your daddy and I. I pray you make Christ your greatest treasure, and that you never settle for less than God’s best. I love you. I’m rooting for you. And I’m always, always proud of you.

Happy birthday my sweet boy. Your life is worth celebrating not just today, but everyday. I love you so.

^^Oh and if you couldn’t tell, this is his favorite toy. So like…don’t touch it. Or else he will make this face at you. LOL.

And lastly, a huge thank to my best friend for helping me create this cutie pie of a party. I couldn’t have done it without you Hannah! xo


  1. Vanessa Brady

    Happy Birthday little man! ?

    1. Taylor Krabill

      Thanks so much!! xo

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