Weekly Meal Plan No.1

Hi Sweet Friend!

Today I thought it would be fun to do something a little different. I want to be a helpful resource to you as you work hard to make your homes as loving, cozy, and functional as possible. Like most worthwhile goals, planning is key. With that in mind, today I’m sharing one weeks worth of dinners (catered towards larger families but please do cater to your own individual needs), that will cost you no more than $150 at the grocery store. 

A few things to keep in mind: 

  • I do source organic whenever possible 
  • I try to shop sales and where groceries are most affordable! (Aldi and Walmart are great places) 
  • If you have the Target app, watch the circle deals! Last week they had a coupon for 15% off your entire grocery order! 
  • When creating this meal plan I tried to use similar ingredients throughout to help with the overall cost 
  • A couple meals listed have a veggie as a side, but you will need to choose a side if you would like one! Roasted veggies would pair well with many of these, and are also quite affordable!

And with that, here is a recipe plan for you!

M O N D A Y : 

Easy Instant Pot Pot Roast:

T U E S D A Y : 

Healthy High Protein Chicken Alfredo Casserole:

W E D N E S D A Y: 

One Pan Pretzel Crusted Chicken with Broccoli:

T H U R S D A Y : 

Creamy Crock Pot Rotel Tacos:

F R I D A Y : 


S A T U R D A Y : 

Tortellini Bake with Boursin Tomato

S U N D A Y : 


Happy cooking friends!! I pray this is a help to you and simplifies your weekly planning. 

With Love in Christ,


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