To the Overwhelmed Momma: You Are Not Alone

Sometimes I think we convince ourselves that we are the only mom struggling. We see social media, tv, and even the other women within our circle of friends, and we think they have it all figured out. Surely their homes are clean. Surely their kids always obey them. Surely their marriage is always strong. The list goes on and on and on. And as we begin to believe that everyone else has it better, and easier, we soon begin to believe that we are failing. That somewhere along the way we just missed the mark as a mom. I just want you to know, that everyone gets overwhelmed at times. Every momma has tough days. And that’s ok. It’s normal. Being a mom is HARD work. It’s exhausting and even at times seemingly unappreciated. But oh how necessary it is! And what a precious gift moms are! They are vital, needed, and so incredibly influential.

In the moments I’ve been overwhelmed with the role of being a mom, here’s what has helped me the most:

  1. Pray. God will give you strength in the moments you feel you can’t do it anymore. He will steady your heart, and bring peace to your weary mind. May He be the first person you turn to in your time of need. “Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, with prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6
  2. Put scripture up. I’ve been doing this since I was a teenager. Whenever I am struggling with something, or simply trying to grow in a specific area, I write applicable bible verses on a note card and tape them around the house. The bathroom mirror is a great spot because I see it whenever I get ready for the day. I also love placing them on the kitchen window because I can see it whenever I do the dishes, or watch the children play outside.
  3. Surround yourself with women who uplift you. I’m so grateful for the ladies in my life who don’t sit there and enable me in my moments of being overwhelmed. Now don’t get me wrong, they truly understand how I feel, but their words are intentional as they come along side me and encourage me. They remind me of why my daily effort and outpouring of love is worth it, and help me get out of my worn-out disposition. They refresh me.
  4. Take time for yourself. This is one of the absolute hardest things for me as a mom. I have three kids. Three. Where in the midst of laundry, cooking, and cleaning do I find time for myself? I often neglected time for me because I felt selfish. Surely no one can survive without me right?! Make time for YOU. Take time to refresh. My goal is once a week, for just an hour or two. Think of it like a mini vacation. I know for myself whenever I go on vacation, I come home refreshed, inspired, and energized. The everyday tasks I once saw as daunting became a joy. That’s how I feel after “me” time. You deserve to feel relaxed. And your kids deserve a momma who is joyful and vibrant, not a momma who is merely in “survival” mode. Kick the “mombie” to the curb. 😉
  5. Be open, and talk about parenting with your husband. Communication is vital for any thriving relationship. Whenever I’m struggling, I talk to my husband about it. We try to talk about our days every evening after the kids are asleep. Tanner is my number one teammate in this journey of parenting. So we always keep each other in the loop. He knows just as well as I do the struggles and triumphs of each of our children. In these intentional conversations, we are able to discuss how to best go about each season of life with our children. And on those days that are tough, Tanner is able to encourage me, and help me refocus. He is my biggest supporter in my role as a momma, and I can’t tell you how much his words of affirmation have helped me keep going.
  6. Keep Christ first as you keep on keepin’ on. This is really the biggest takeaway. You want all the answers on how to parent? Open your bible. God designed families so beautifully, and I’m forever grateful for that. He is the best source for all of your needs as a mom. I love the saying, “In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus.” As a mom, my number one goal is that I would raise children who grow to love Jesus more than anything else. But I cannot expect to give what I don’t have. So if I want them to have Jesus, then I must be intentional in keeping Christ the center of my life. And this isn’t just for my children’s sake, it’s for mine too.
I pray that this was able to encourage some of you mommas. This whole motherhood thing is hard. But it’s the absolute best and most rewarding thing I’ve ever done.
Even on my hardest days, I wouldn’t go back and change a thing about being a mom. My babies are worth the moments of struggle, the long nights, and the tiring
days. And that’s because of love. It’s because I love these precious children more than my own existence. And that will always trump any other emotion. It will always
prevail against the toughest of days. Always.

Xo, Tay

*Keep up with our everyday life HERE*


  1. Jade

    Thank you for posting this. I’m a new mommy and this was so encouraging. Praise God for allowing me to find your page on IG and follow another mommy who strives to put Christ.

    1. Taylor Krabill

      Aw Jade!! I’m so happy this was able to encourage you, and that you like following my blog and IG. That means sooo much!I hope you’re doing well, and that you have a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend! Xo ?

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