Marriage Conference Notes

I wanted to share notes I gathered from myself and other wives from our marriage conference last weekend. I pray it encourages you to honor the Lord as a wife, and continue to love and serve your husband joyfully.
*Ephesians chapter 5 speaks to our roles as husbands and wives. Be sure to take time to read and meditate on it.*
- I should love Jesus with every pulse of my being, place in my day, and all in my home
- Win your husband over with respectful and pure conduct.
- Focus on imperishable beauty…it is precious in the sight of God!
- You can look beautiful in the sight of the Lord no matter how your husband responds. Make your goal to please God.
- Our marriage is the ultimate venue to create loveliness.
- Don’t fear friction in your marriage, fear failure. God uses friction to grow our marriage!
- When we think our buttons are being pushed, it’s actually character flaws being revealed.
- Paths lead to places….if you’re on the path, you’re going to end up at the place. Proverbs doesn’t warn you about the place, it warns you about the path.
- Jim Elliott: “God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with Him.”
- No one is as affected by or inconvenienced by your behaviors than your spouse.
- There are few things more secure in life than a woman whose husband not only loves God, but wants to leads you.
- There’s a point when I drive home that I intentionally stop thinking about my day and start thinking about my wife. (Intentionality!)
- I liked how he broke down 1 Peter 3:1-6 for the women:
– Respectful to our husbands
– Pure conduct Gentle and quiet spirit
– Submit to own husband
– Come underneath the authority of our husband
- Nagging does not win over our husbands.
- An overwhelmed + bad attitude = sin
I hope this encouraged you as it did for me! May we always press forward in our marriage, with a heart that is willing to serve without expectation. I’m praying God richly blesses your marriage as you seek to glorify Him each and every day!
With Grace,
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