Enjoy Them Now

Life has been so sweet as of lately. I don’t know if this beautiful summer weather has anything to do with it, but we have been having so much fun as a family!
Being a momma of three kids has been a lot of work. But honestly, I’ve never felt more fulfilled and happy in my entire life! (Oh and tired haha.) On my Instagram account, I get asked how I manage having three under three. How am I always put together? (Which I’m not by the way. Instagram is a highlight reel, remember?) How am I able to be so joyful when kids are so much work? How am I not going crazy having such young children? Those are all things I’m asked on the daily, and after thinking about it, I figured out why:
I’ve learned to enjoy my children at whatever stage of life they’re at.
I think as a momma, it can be easy to always be looking ahead. The newborn stage is tiring, so we anticipate when they sleep longer. Two year olds throw tantrums, so we look forward to when they control their emotions better. Our kids started school, and having to help with the homework is exhausting…we wish it was summer. The list goes on and on, because we are constantly looking for an “easier” season. But the thing is, if we are always looking to the future, then we are missing out on the NOW. And that could very well be some of the best days of our entire lives.
So for me, one of my daily prayers is that I would find joy in the seemingly ordinary tasks of motherhood. I pray for a heart that genuinely enjoys her children, and cherishes them. I’m sure we can agree that on several occasions we’ve been told, “It goes by so fast.” And honestly, I don’t doubt that one bit.
So let’s approach motherhood with wonder. Let’s choose to find joy, even on the days that feel exhausting. Let’s remind ourselves of the incredible blessings our children are to us, and remember how much we prayed for these sweet babies. Let’s chase after laughter, illuminate love, and seek after beauty in the ordinary. I promise if you look hard enough, the beauty is there, in every stage of your child’s life.
“Rejoice always. Pray continually. Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
From my home to yours, Tay
Wise words! Enjoy them in the “now” moments ❤️