A Tired Momma’s Regret
Tuesday I woke up exhausted. Our oldest son had been sick for the past few days, and I wasn’t sleeping well because of it. My sweetheart of an alarm, (my beautiful daughter), came into my room with her contagious smile around 7 am, letting me know the sun was awake. She then explained to me that it was time to get out of bed and eat breakfast.
But I was tired. I was worn out. And I just wanted to plop myself on the couch all morning and relax. So after a quick breakfast of Cheerios, I put the tv on to keep the kids entertained. This went on for a few hours. (Minded we don’t watch much tv in our home. Our kids are very rowdy when they watch too much of it.)
I knew that I should be selflessly tending to my kids, but I wanted to focus on my needs. I chose to take the “easy way out” in my parenting.
In that first initial moment of feeling lazy, I should have grabbed my bible rather than nurturing that selfish emotion. I was in need of refreshment as a momma, and strength to get through the day joyfully. It was a need only Jesus could satisfy.
After a couple hours went by, I began to feel convicted. It’s not to say watching tv is wrong, but in our home it affects our children’s behavior drastically. So in my situation, and in my knowing this, and yet still taking the easy way out, it was definitely wrong.
“The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied.” Proverbs 13.4
In my moment of realization, I quickly got up and told the kids we were going to get ready and play outside together. But rather than eager and happy hearts, I got full blown tantrums. No one wanted to stop watching tv. This went on for thirty minutes. I had tears in my eyes as I saw the result of my selfishness.
But there is grace when you turn to Jesus.
Thankfully we serve a God who is quick to forgive us, and help us when we fall short. In His arms grace is always abundant.
I knew I couldn’t restart the day, but I could change my attitude for what was left of it. I learned that I am selfish at heart. I need Jesus daily! I was reminded that my bible should be the first place I turn in those days where I am struggling to be motivated. I learned that giving into idleness is never worth its regret.
So to all the tired mommas out there, we don’t have to merely “survive” the day. We can embrace it joyfully. We just need to realize that in order for this to happen, we must be relying on God’s strength and not our own.
“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for in God the Lord, we have an everlasting Rock.” Isaiah 26:3-4
And to the momma who realizes that she’s been lazy in her parenting lately, there is grace for you. That’s what I love about the God we serve. He is quick to forgive when we ask. So today I encourage you to fix your eyes on Jesus. His strength in our parenting is our child’s reward.
“She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.” Proverbs 31:27
From my home to yours,
Such a great blog post
Taylor Krabill
Thank you so much!! Xo ?
well said!
Taylor Krabill
Thanks mom! I love you ?