22 Weeks Pregnant




BumpUpdate4Dress: On Sale! ShopBop  (Non-Maternity) /  Heels: Sold Out  /  Handbag: Rebecca Minkoff   /  Lipstick: Nars (in the shade Roman Holiday) This is my absolute favorite!!

Hi Everyone!

So today on the blog, I’m doing something a little bit different. I realized I have never done a “bump update,” and thought it would be fun to share with you all how my pregnancy is going. I found some basic questions online, so I went ahead and filled it out below!

Gender: BOY! We found out really early this time, I was only 14 weeks pregnant!

How far along: 22 weeks

Maternity Clothes: Sometimes…mostly I stick to wearing flowy dresses. My jeans don’t button very easily, so I definitely need to buy some maternity ones!!

Miss Anything: Sleeping on my stomach!

Sleep: Haha…where do I begin? I haven’t gotten to the point where it’s hard to sleep because I’m uncomfortable, it’s just so hard to sleep on my side when I was so used to sleeping on my stomach.

Cravings: Chocolate, (does that even count if I always crave chocolate?), yogurt parfaits, french fries, fresh fruit

Now that I wrote out my cravings and am re-reading…that is one interesting list. Some good, and some bad!

Symptoms: occasional back pain, mostly when I’m sitting down

Belly Button in or Out: Out. And I’m really sad about that. I was dreading the day when my belly button would pop out…I cringed just typing that!

Mood: Excited!! I can’t wait to hold our son and kiss his precious face.

Looking forward to: Meeting our son face to face!

Exercise: I work out occasionally. My goal is 3 days a week…I just haven’t been to the gym since I got back from vacation. This question just reminded me to get back into my (pregnancy-safe ;)) fitness routine!

This pregnancy is moving much quicker than my first. I think it’s because I am constantly on the move with Haven. She keeps me on my toes all day long, so I don’t have lots of down time. Tanner and I were talking the other night, and our jaws dropped when we realized I was over half way through my pregnancy. With Haven we knew the days, weeks, and just about every little detail. This time we aren’t paying as close attention. It’s not a matter of not being as excited, it’s really just been so busy for us! I am officially starting to look on pinterest for nursery, and baby shower inspiration, because before we know it, it will be October!

I’m so thankful to be carrying our second child, and cannot wait to kiss his sweet face, snuggle him, and know his tiny features like the back of my hand. Motherhood is such a beautiful gift. I can’t thank God enough for the blessing of my two babies!

I hope you have had a wonderful day. Thanks for stopping by!

xo, Tay


  1. imartaguides.com

    I kept a journal for my son while I was pregnant, and I brought it to the hospital with me so I could write in it as soon as I was up to it. It really helped to share all the feelings I was having.

  2. usagipoi.com

    I kept a journal for my son while I was pregnant, and I brought it to the hospital with me so I could write in it as soon as I was up to it. It really helped to share all the feelings I was having.

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