Naming Luke

Every name we have given our children had a story behind it. We didn’t just grab a baby book, select the prettiest or most strong name, and call it a day. We spent so much time praying over each baby, and would decide on a name with a meaning that we really hoped our child would encompass one day.

When I found out I was pregnant with another boy, I had no name ideas. I really had thought I was having a girl, and even had a name all ready to go. After our gender ultrasound, we went to my parents to tell them about the beautiful baby boy I was carrying. Instantly my family, (parents and siblings), began throwing around name ideas. Name after name, no after no, I began to think naming this baby was going to be tough. But then my sister mentioned the name Luke, and Tanner and I both said we liked it. It wasn’t like we said, “Oh that’s the name!” But it was the first time we both said it was a good possibility.

At home that evening, I told Tanner I loved the name. I said my only hesitation is that I really wanted to name our son something that meant being a light. There had been so much heartache and tragedy in our world, and I knew that evil wasn’t going to slow down any time soon. (Though I sure wish it would.) I wanted our son, (and of course all our babies), to realize that light cannot be overcome by darkness. (John 1:5) I wanted our son to never shy away in the face of evil, but reflect Christ beautifully so that the darkness could not stand against it. So I decided to look up the meaning of Luke, and I about fell over when the meaning read light giver. I think I may have had some laughs and happy tears as I told Tanner, “Our son is Luke! That’s his name! It means light giver!” We both were instantly overjoyed, and never even considered another name since.

Flash forward one month, and I was sitting in a cold, dark hospital room. My eyes were so swollen from crying so much. My body was shaking from fear. I was exhausted, but my mind kept racing, keeping me awake with its worried state. I can’t come home without you Luke. I love you. I’m so sorry we are here. I was bleeding to death from complete placenta previa. Every doctor that saw me wasn’t optimistic. I was prepped for a blood transfusion and c-section. I was moving towards an early, but fatal delivery of my precious son, because my body showed no signs of stopping bleeding. It was a nightmare, and I just kept wishing I could wake up from the horror story that was mine.

When my dad visited me in my hospital room, he encouraged me to hang in there and not stop believing that God can do anything. He wanted me to know that everyone was praying faithfully over us, and that our situation could turn around. When he left, I was lost in thought again. But this time it was different. As I was thinking about how much I love Luke, I remembered why we were naming him that. Light giver. Everything around me was so dark. From the room I was in, to the situation I faced. It was scary and sad and tragic. Light giver. I thought about it again. And then I began to pray. Pray that despite the dark situation we were in, that God would help me to trust Him and His plan no matter what the outcome. I prayed that I would hold tight to His truth, and not be overcome by the fear and doubt that was so easily overcoming. And finally after spending the whole night devastated with fear, I felt peace. It suddenly didn’t feel so dark.

Most of you know I ended up home that next evening, with every doctor shocked that we managed to escape what should have been a much worse situation. As we drove home, Luke still in my womb where he belonged, I looked at Tanner and said, “You know his name is perfect for him. In the midst of this dark time, this little boy I’ve never even met, reminded me to cling to what is good, and helped me remember that light always overcomes the darkness. And
I don’t mean because Luke is ok, even though I’m so thankful that he is. He helped me to remember that even when hardships come, that God is still good. I learned what it means to trust God in uncertainty, and to believe He will carry me no matter what I face. His name helped me to not forget that God is faithful and sovereign.” We both had tears in our eyes, and I smiled as I thought of how much I loved our Luke.

I’ve never met our son, but he’s already teaching me so much. And his name brings a smile to my face whenever it’s spoken. I cannot wait to hold him in March, and kiss his sweet little face.

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5

Luke Krabill you’re going to change this world for the better. And your daddy and I are praying you glorify Christ with your life. We love you and are counting down the days to meet you!


  1. Marie Belleau

    You may have cried three times while writing this article, well I definetly cried more while reading it. This is so beautiful Taylor. So so beautiful.
    A beautiful soul, a beautiful couple, a beautiful family, and a beautiful name for a beautiful baby.
    Sending so much love and strength.
    Praying so hard that He will bless Luke’s life with joy and happiness.
    You and your articles & posts give me so much joy everyday and so much to be grateful for. Thank you !
    With all my love

    • “Love never fails” Corinthians, 1, 13 •

    1. Taylor Krabill

      Aww thank you so much for the kind words! That really encouraged me to read. We are praying every day for our children, and I truly feel like the most blessed woman in the world! We cannot wait to meet our precious Luke. <3

  2. Angelina

    Beautifully written! I remember how hard it was naming my baby. Much harder than I imagined it would be! I’m glad everything worked out for you ❤️❤️

    1. Taylor Krabill

      It is SO hard! I mean they are going to have that name forever, you don’t want to mess it up haha!! We love his name and can’t wait to meet him. <3

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